
What is an OnWing?

In Naval Aviation Training (Flight School), each student pilot is paired with an instructor pilot who flies every flight with them from their very first flight up to their first solo flight. That relationship is known as an “OnWing”. Over their time together, the instructor imparts enough skill and wisdom on the student that the student (who had never flown before) can eventually fly the plane solo. 

Who is Captain Mark?

Captain Mark is a retired Navy Commander, Naval Aviator and USCG licensed Merchant Marine Captain who spent more than 14 years as a flight instructor over his twenty year Naval career. He fell in love with salt water fishing when he moved from Missouri to attend the University of Florida almost 30 years ago. Since then, he’s always found a way to be on the gulf coast waters targeting every inshore saltwater species that it has to offer. 

How was OnWing Fishing created?

After relocating to Lakewood Ranch from Padre Island, TX, Captain Mark realized there was an abundance of newly relocated residents that shared his passion for fishing, but lacked the knowledge on hoe to be consistently successful fishing the local waters. After multiple fishing trips with friends and neighbors showing them the tactics, techniques and tricks he’s learned over 30 years of inshore saltwater fishing along the gulf coast, Captain Mark decided to combine his passion for fishing with his years of instructor experience and OnWing Fishing was born.

Why is OnWing Fishing right for me?

There are hundreds of fishing guides in our area, and they’re all great at what they do. But a novice fisherman could never replicate what those guides do when left to their own devices. Professional guides spend every day on the water chasing the fish. They have a network of guide “buddies” who are sharing locations and current fishing trends. That’s why OnWing Fishing is a one of a kind experience. Captain Mark tailors each trip to the individual client and will teach you methods that are easily repeatable with consistent results. OnWing Fishing is designed for local residents who don’t know where to start when it comes to inshore saltwater fishing, but want to learn how to fish the local waters. Maybe you have freedom boat club and would like to see how to repeatedly catch fish from one of their boats; or you already own a boat and just can’t quite figure out the local waters; or maybe you just want to expand your fishing skill set, Captain Mark will get you from “beginner” status to being able to fish “solo”. Wouldn’t you like to take friends and family out and watch them bend rods all day without having to hire a fishing guide each time? Well, OnWing Fishing was created for you!

PHONE: (361) 548-0936

EMAIL: capt_mark@onwingfishing.com